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Writing Again?

by - March 07, 2021

Credit: Standout Books

Hi earthlings.
I tak pasti masih adakah pembaca di blog ini.
It has been 6 years since I last updated in this blog.
Lama kan?
I was so busy with unis that I barely got time to update this (even me time for myself) lol.
I ingat lagi I mula minat menulis circa 2010 sebab I suka baca satu blog penulisan ni.
It has a few compilations of a few talented writers.
Mostly dah jadi penulis buku terhebat dah pun.
I hanya mampu menulis sampai habis and let it be sampai lah dah berkurun.
Lepastu I delete everything.
Sebab I mula rasa semua cerita I cliche.

And till this date.
I still am writing diligently just not as much as before.
At least a day I will commit to writing anything that came into my mind just so that I would not go to waste.
Minat I pada menulis masih ada.
Masih menjadi hobi walau tak pernah I hantar manuskripnya.
Writing is just a hobby for me.
Untuk I share apa ada dalam kepala I.
I tak suka menyesal di kemudian hari.
I buat suka suka je for the sake of giving random strangers random reading material for them to kill time.

Bertahun juga I beralih pada Wattpad.
Endingnya, I put everything in the draft.
Sebab I sendiri rasa tulisan I banyak merapu dan syok sendiri.
Bila I menulis I banyak buat research tentang apa yang I nak sampaikan.
Walaupun sekadar novel cinta budak sekolah mahupun orang dewasa, I want it to be a piece that is worth to read.
Walaupun sekadar untuk mengisi masa lapang.
I tak nak lah orang rasa macam too cliche.
Walaupun I cuma nak mereka baca and just leave it and you can come later when you got the free time but at least I tak nak menulis sesuatu yang complicated.
I want it to be an easy read and enjoying the time well.

Entah apa aku cuba sampaikan ini orang faham ke tidak at least this is what that has been stucked in my mind for quite a while.
I hope everyone will enjoy their time.
Don't rush anything.
As me myself is not rushing.
Tapi I akan cuba update sekerap mungkin.
I tak nak berjanji kerana sesungguhnya berat menanggung janji.
Dosa kalau tak dapat tepati.
Makanya dengan itu, sampai sini sahaja coretan Atiq kali ini.
Nature is calling.
I need to help my mom.
Thankyou for spending your time reading luahan entah apa apa dari seketul Atiq.
Till next time ya?

Write hard and clear about what hurts - Ernest Hemingway


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